Can the millions of years demanded by evolutionary geologists be refuted?

Anticline and SynclineThe belief in evolution demands the concomitant beliefs that the Earth is billions of years old and that the Genesis Flood was local. The arguments used to claim these unimaginable eras of time are based upon early geological speculations of the history of the Earth and are seldom, if ever, made clear even to students of geology.

Seventeenth century observers noted that layers of similar types of rock could be traced continuously from country to country across Europe. These rocks were correctly perceived to consist of sediments deposited from flood waters. Further, the sediments contained the remains of once-living marine creatures and, sometimes, land creatures. At that time, no one knew the actual extent of those sedimentary layers, but it was certain that local rivers could not have provided all the flood water – the sea was the only possible source. Further, it was argued that the sediments resulted from sequential floods (i.e., they were deposited one after another from multiple inundations from the sea).

However, for sea water to cover the land, either the sea waters rose or the land sank. Those offended by the biblical account of Noah and his Ark concluded that it was the land that sank because rising sea waters would make any flood global. A major problem to this day is that no one knows what possible mechanism or evidence there is for sinking and rising continents!

The evolution of terrestrial life forms supposedly took place over millions of years between each flood, and their fossil remains are said to appear in the succeeding sedimentary layer. Unfortunately for the theory, the actual extent of the world’s sedimentary layers is now known. For example, the Cretaceous limestone – with its identifying index fossils – extends in a continuous layer from Ireland to Australia via Europe and Russia, and there is also a large area in the U.S. This is now referred to as the “persistence of facies,” and it is both an irritant to evolutionists and a good argument for one global flood.

Based upon the historical position set out above, there are at least four evidences to refute the belief in evolution:

1. The “persistence of facies” is plain evidence that at least two thirds of the Earth’s surface was, at one point in history, underwater at the same time. This, of course, supports a global flood.
2. Synclines and anticlines are cases where multiple layers of sedimentary rock are folded, accordion fashion, while the sharp bends show no signs of having been cracked. Clearly, these sedimentary layers were still soft and pliable while the bending took place and must therefore have been laid down simultaneously. This denies the millions of years between layers.
3. Sometimes a fossil tree trunk is found to pass through two or even three sedimentary layers representing millions of years. This, too, denies the millions of years between layers.
4. Finally, the upper surface of a sedimentary layer is sometimes found to be absolutely flat over a considerable distance. If millions of years of evolution had actually taken place between this layer and the one above it, the surface would not be flat but marked by pot-holes and erosion gullies. This is yet further evidence against the millions of years between layers.


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