Evolutionism Was Prophesied

Author: Robin D. Fish.

Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use.

Darwinism was originally found so acceptable by so many because it provided the mechanism for evolution, so men could understand all that exists as not needing a Creator. Today, however, Darwinism is all but dead, killed by the lack of positive evidence, and by the growth of human knowledge in dozens of areas. Still, evolutionism persists. Evolution is called a “fact” even if we can see no way it could have happened. This irrational position seems surprising until one realizes that evolutionism was prophesied. This Bible study will examine the prophecies that speak of this, and examine the scriptural reasons for it.

Turn to 2 Peter 3:3-8. Verses 3-4 describe the “mockers” who will come. Does this sound like evolutionists today? The guiding principle pictured here is uniformitarianism, the idea that everything happens at the same rate and in the same ways as we can observe them today (naturalism). Such uniformitarian thought must, by definition, exclude God, because we do not observe Him doing miraculous things today (except by the eyes of faith). Since we cannot see God at work today, we can conclude (by the principle of uniformitarianism) that He could not have been working in our past.

Why does verse 3 say that these mockers are mockers? Why do you think these men are called “mockers” in this passage? Do modern evolutionists mock us?

Verse 4: How does this saying reflect evolutionary thought? Discuss the many possible theological, doctrinal implications of the mockers’ thought.

What data are the evolutionists ignoring, according to verses 5-6? This is the prophecy: is it accurate to today’s situation? Are evolutionists ignoring this (and other) data? Notice that water, present here and in Genesis 1, is not thought to be present early in the “evolving earth.” Discuss what significance this might have. Do modern scientists generally accept the idea of the world-wide flood at the time of Noah? What creative principle does Peter use to describe God’s creating?

Verses 7-9: What power does God use to preserve this present creation? Ask your pastor about the Greek “word” or “logos”. What does the “word” mean? How does this passage agree with Matthew 28:18, 20? What future fact are the evolutionists running from, according to these verses in Peter? Why, according to verse 8, might the evolutionist be confident in his confused theories? Notice the promise in verse 10. Is there any safety in hiding behind evolution?

These verses give us a clear prophecy of men rejecting the truth of God for the purposes of fulfilling their own desires (lusts). They call God a liar and mock believers. Considering the wealth of blessings God gives His children, one has to wonder why they would do such a thing. For our answer we will turn briefly to Romans 1:18, 25, 32. Read this carefully, then continue with the study.

This section reveals the punishment of sin with more sin. That is why it begins with “The wrath of God is revealed…” But we are looking at what God is revealing His wrath against. This passage is a description of how God works at all times with sinful men, therefore it is just as prophetic about man as it is descriptive about God’s wrath. What are the ungodly and unrighteous men accused of doing in verse 18? Do we see any evidence of that today in the evolutionary sciences?

What do v. 19-20 say? Does that apply to the Creation/evolution controversy? If these verses are so (which we believe), then, in your opinion, why are there evolutionists?

Scripture’s answer to that question is found in the following verses. Verse 21: what spiritual condition is the first half of the verse describing? Following their willful unbelief – even the denial of that which they knew – they ceased to give thanks. Can we see that same thing in today’s world? Notice, too, that turning from God made their speculations futile. Notice that as their minds began to work in futility, their love for God died out and their hearts turned to a willful flight from the knowledge of God, “their foolish heart was darkened.”

The proverb says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. How would you contrast the situation in the Psalm to the situation pictured in verse 22? Notice the result of becoming fools described in verse 23-25. Verse 23 describes idolatry – false gods. How does this description fit the modern situation? Does evolution worship and serve man, birds, animals, and “crawling creatures”? Give examples of this from modern concerns and recent history. (Hint: the creature: even laws and created principles are seen as the creator, rather than He Who truly is the Creator.)

What does verse 24 say are the results of this sin? Do we see examples of this in our societies today? Discuss the effect of this sin upon the people of God who unconsciously adopt the principles of evolutionistic thought. Can you see the inroads of the philosophy of evolution in the spiritual life of your congregation? List some potential (or real) effects.

Verse 25 describes exchanging the truth of God for a deliberate lie. Would you say that Humanism fits the description in verse 25? What is the logical “cure” for this problem?

Finally, note what verse 32 says. Compare this to the reality around you. Can you see this happening today? Where? How?

The root problem is sin. Man denies the power of the Word of God in creation and preservation. Another meaning for the phrase “Word of God” is found in John 1:14. How can we apply this insight to the problem of evolution? How does this insight help us to understand the importance of the doctrine of creation to our evangelism and mission efforts?

Close this Bible study with a prayer for the power of the Holy Spirit to enlighten the minds of men, and read Psalm 33 together. Notice the progression of thought here from creation to salvation and thanksgiving.

1985 Bible Science Newsletter.

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