Ian TaylorAuthor: Ian Taylor

    1. In the Middle Ages referring to a person as a “humanist” meant that their interests were in Greek and Roman literature and antiquities. Humanism today means a worldview concerned with human, not divine, interests. Ultimately, the humanist objective is to make Man the master of his own destiny. The Genesis Flood destroyed all those having a humanist worldview leaving only Noah and his family to begin the post-Flood generation. Within a short time, the humanist worldview again became dominant and we find this in the account of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-4). God divided them miraculously by language and the project was abandoned. That division of mankind became more effective with time as the separated groups of people, who began as one color (brown), having one religion (the truth from Noah) and a uniform measuring system, became more diverse. Thus began the different nations. In His wisdom, God divided mankind by language and subsequently into nations to protect us from tyranny. The pattern throughout history has been for one nation to rise and a tyrant to appear as its leader. It has always been the surrounding nations that have gathered against this tyranny and destroyed it, the cycle then repeats with another nation. However, where there is only one nation and one leader, tyranny will go unchallenged and that tyrant will indeed have made a name for himself. Such is the imminent prospect today as the world system gravitates to a New World Order having a one-world government.

    2. The Greek philosophers have greatly influenced Western thinking and, from Acts 17:18 ff., they were either of the Epicurean (atheist) or Stoic (pantheist) worldviews. In his famous work, The Republic, Plato (427-347 BC) argued that a Republic, i.e. where rule is by the wisest men of the land, is the best form of government. History shows a dismal record of corruption with any one-party system yet this always has been and is still, the humanist dream. Aristotle (384-322 BC) argued that all human knowledge comes through our five senses and thus provided an early rationalism to exclude God’s revelation as the sixth and source of true knowledge. Men have been strongly divided on this issue (essentially as Protestant and Catholic) resulting in two kinds of wisdom described in 1 Corinthians 2:6-7 and 3:18-19. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), sainted by the RC Church at the Council of Trent (1545-1563), introduced the views of Aristotle and other Greek writers into Christian theology. This later became dogma and the Roman Church as we know it today.

    3. Humanists refer to the 15-17th century as The Age of Enlightenment and while many discoveries were made the appellation contrasts with the previous Church Age mockingly called “The Dark Ages.” Ever since the 13th century, the out-workings of Galatians 4:21-31 had been evident as the wars of religion across Europe; people were tired and wanted peace. Lord Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was, without doubt, a genius – possibly an evil genius – who laid the foundation for a New World Order through his last book The New Atlantis (1627), this has a Utopian theme with rule by 33 (actually 36 by count) secret orders of the wisest men. In 1717, almost a century after Bacon’s death, his followers had implemented these ideals to the letter as the Masonic Brotherhood. Both René Descartes (1596-1650), a French Catholic living in Holland, and Francis Bacon, an English Protestant humanist, had a revelation in 1619 that gave the world a new method of searching for true knowledge, it is known as the Cartesian Method, Scientific Method or Method of Induction. The method is one of the most subtle deceptions and its effect has been to remove the Bible as the starting point and touch-stone for all scientific investigation. Many scientific discoveries such as William Harvey’s (1578-1657) circulation of the blood and Isaac Newton’s (1642-1727) celestial mechanics tended to leave the impression that the universe and all living things on earth were purely mechanical. Descartes actually thought that all animals were mere “automata.” There were attempts to look for the human soul and when these were declared unsuccessful there were uneasy feelings that perhaps man too was an automata. This thinking prepared the common mind for Charles Darwin’s evolution introduced two centuries later.

    4. The American Revolution of 1776 was an honest attempt by Protestant Christians to divorce their new country from the wars of religion in Europe, many immigrants were in fact refugees and victims of these wars. However, there were among these Christian leaders certain deists such as Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) and Thomas Paine (1737-1809) who, influenced by the French, saw this divorce as an opportunity to bring in Plato’s Republic as the form of government. They were not entirely successful. However, the French Revolution thirteen years later was far more successful and from 1789 France became, and remains to this day, dechristianized. The French revolutionaries made the formal declaration of atheism by declaring that God was dead (as did Neitzsche a century later) and that Man was in charge. The French Declaration of the Rights of Man is based upon the American document but makes no reference to God.

    5. It was mentioned in section 1) that mankind had been divided by language, while that division had been subsequently reinforced by colour, religion and measuring units. One of the objects of the French revolutionaries was to introduce a uniform measuring system that would facilitate trade and communication not only within France but globally. Although not metric, Thomas Jefferson had introduced decimal coinage in 1787 but John Quincy Adams did promote the metric system in America following its adoption in 1795 by the French. The biggest stumbling block both to trade and to the metric system was incommensurability. One of the most common units of length used throughout old Europe was the foot (possibly given to Noah and called variously the pied, the fuss etc) but the actual length varied not only from country to country but even from town to town within the country! On the other hand, long held common usage dies hard and the “common-sense” metric system was generally not welcome, America is the last major country to resist conversion. The metric system is based upon the metre that by definition is one ten-millionth of the distance between the Earth’s pole and equator. Jean Delambre (1743-1822) and his team did the actual measurement. All the other units of weight, capacity etc are based upon the metre. The French revolutionaries agenda was not only to metricate measurements but also time, by dividing the day into ten hours and the week into ten days etc. The final objective, absolutely essential for the New World Order, was to metricate and thus globally standardize the units of currency. The metrification of the circle and time has proven to be a failure but the standardization of currency is nearing completion. The move is being justified by the quest for international trade and is being driven by the World Bank and multinational trade organizations. The biggest obstacle to this objective was when the paper currency of each country was backed by actual gold reserves but some countries had more gold than others. This obstacle was removed when both the UK and the US went off the gold standard in 1931 and 1933 respectively, the other nations gladly followed. Today, not only are all currencies based on the decimal sytem but multinational trade is ensuring that the value of goods in each major country is approaching a uniform level.

    6. Throughout history, say from Noah to the French Revolution, the existence of God had not been seriously questioned; atheists were very few and far between. Deists believed in God and those previously mentioned in America certainly knew their Bible and, for the most part, lived by it better than many Christians today, they had problems with the miracles. However, it seems that the god of this world had, by permission, an agenda that all of history had been leading to and which following the French Revolution, could be put into effect. The steps of that agenda can be seen clearly in retrospect and consist of: 1) Elimination of God 2) Abolition of the truth 3) Deification of man and, from the Book of Revelation, 4) The deification of Satan. In the early 1800’s it was time to set the stage for the elimination of God. Until 1830 education in America was by home schooling and here the Catholic child learned history from the Catholic perspective from their priest, the Protestant child from the Protestant perspective and the Jewish child received their history from their rabbi. There was concern by American educator, Horace Mann (1796-1859), that while Protestant immigrants from Europe were welcome, Catholics immigrants could be the cause of continuation of the old antagonisms; it was time to nip this potential problem in the bud and re-educate the Catholic children. Mann introduced the Normal School system of public education into the Boston area in 1839 and by the following year this was made mandatory. The justification given was that fathers were incompetent to teach their children. However, now with Catholic, Protestant and Jewish children all in the same classroom, teaching any version of history would cause problems. Since that time and little by little, all reference to religion has been quietly expunged from the history class leaving the subject as a dreary list of Who, When and Where but never Why. History has finally been sanitized leaving Christianity by the wayside and in consequence, history as taught has become instantly forgettable! This is a sure step towards eliminating any notion of God. Not only that, but with the creeping influence of evolution throughout the nineteenth century, history has been turned on its head to the point where it is now accepted by most historians that there is progress in history. Evolution demands that man’s ancestor was the ape, not God, thus there must have been an upward progression to the highly intelligent creature he is today! Nevertheless, there has always been a minority who look past the technologies and note that man has regressed i.e. fallen.

    7. The final and major step towards the elimination of God took place through geology which paved the way for Charles Darwin. Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) was a product of the French Revolution and, at an early age, became head of the scientific establishment in Paris. From his observation of the 28 strata of sedimentary rock layers containing fossils beneath the streets of Paris, he became convinced that these layers were laid down sequentially by successive floods. Like many others of his day, he did not deny the Genesis Flood but had difficulties with it; he thought that the topmost layer of sedimentary rock was the most recent and was laid down during the Biblical Flood. Cuvier believed that this Flood was local and not global and it was this line of reasoning that permitted evolution to be accepted within a Biblical context.With sequential local floods the time frame of the past was extended from a few thousand years indicated by Scripture to millions of years demanded by evolution. The gradual recognition that stratum extended for thousands of miles meant that the ocean itself had to be the source of water, not a local river. Thus entire continents had to rise and fall in order to be flooded and, in the absence of evidence for this, an appeal was made to vast spans of time. In fact, the evidence actually supports a global flood and simultaneous, not sequential, deposition of strata. In England, Charles Lyell (1797-1875) began by believing that the Earth was extremely old and gathered evidence to support his belief – this is hardly the Method of Induction! The result was that the scientific establishment of the day came to believe in an extremely old Earth and this is precisely what Charles Darwin needed to make his theory work. Darwin introduced the mechanism of natural selection as the driving force for evolution and hence the origin of species in 1859. From this date Creation and the Creator were slowly eased out of the common belief system; today, even many Christians unaware of their history, no longer believe in Creation.

    8. As civilization again adopts the attitude held by the builders of the tower of Babel, we may ask, will there be another tower? Indeed, there have been many. Freemasonry has always raised an obelisk as a victory symbol. Initially, this was victory over the Roman Church (Charles I at the Battle of the Naseby, 1646, James II at the Battle of Boyne, 1690, etc) but later this became victory over Christianity itself (e.g. James Cook’s murder on bringing the Gospel, 1779). The Washington Monument in 1885 and then at just twice this height, the Eiffel Tower in 1889 were built to celebrate the centenary of the American and French Revolutions respectively. More recently, with the influence of the multinational corporations superceding that of the debt-ridden governments, the towers are found in New York as the World Trade Centre (1965) and in London as the Financial Centre. Every major city now has these towers as monuments to man’s global control. Interestingly, whether clad with glass or modern stone this material could truly be described as “baked brick.” Melted silica forms glass while architectural stone today actually consists of a sintered mixture of fine stone particles and an organic binder (though not actual bitumen). The United Nations building is typical of this type of construction and more than anything else exemplifies the humanist aspiration.

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