God Puts Creative Variety in His Creatures

Author: Paul A. Bartz

Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use.

In pointing to the great variety to be found in living things as evidence for evolution, evolutionists have distracted the world – and sometimes Christians, too – from the fact that this great creative variety is a natural evidence that the Creator deals with all of His creatures on a personal and individual level.

1. We have often used Matthew 10:29-31 in these Bible studies, and we are going to use it again. After reading this passage, see if you can find any way that the language might allow an exception to God ‘s watchfulness.

Jesus’ comments about the sparrows are important as comfort to us, especially when we find ourselves in situations which might lead us to wonder where God is in our lives. But the truth that Christ is here teaching is based on another truth which even Christians today have largely lost sight of because of evolutionary influence.

God is aware of the personal tragedies of each individual sparrow. He allows nothing that is not according to His plans. God has a concern and involvement in the lives of each individual creature He has made. This is why He made them in completed form in the beginning. One problem with theistic evolution is that it presents a God who is not as personally involved with each individual creature as Jesus says He is.

Because Christ Himself has said this: What does it do to Him and His Word if, in fact, theistic evolution is true.

2. In Job 38:39-41 what does God ask Job? What does this statement imply that God does?

God is not only paying personal attention to each human being on earth, He is also personally concerned about the lions. And in verse 39 we read that God’s personal involvement also extends to the raven. He even knows when the young ravens are going hungry.

3. In Job 39:13-18 we read about the ostrich (or stork). God points out that this bird does not watch over her eggs on the ground with the same concern we would think proper. Instead, she has other joys. How cruel it would be if this creature were locked into a life in which, on the one hand, she did not care for her eggs, but on the other hand, she had to repeatedly experience the heart-rending disaster of the death of her defenseless eggs.

But verse 17 explains what gift God has given her so that she can avoid such sorrow. What is it? While this may seem strange to us, we can see that God Himself must be the mother for those eggs, and on the other hand, the eggs also fulfill the needs of other creatures without producing remorse in the mother. How does this reflect God’s mercy for these creatures?

Scripture reflects the principle we see demonstrated in the animal world, that each creature has been specially and individually created and cared for by a loving Creator Who is personally involved in the lives of His creatures.

4. Man is the highest of God’s visible created beings. In part, this means that man is much more than the animals. Yet there are times when man does not seem much better than some of the animals, a fact which deeply concerns God. For an example, read Jonah 4:11. How are these people described?

Was God concerned about them, or eager to judge? God sent Jonah to preach the Word to them so that by grace and forgiveness they might be raised to new lives. His concern here was still individual – He sent Jonah not because there were so many, but because there was no one among them to bring the truth.

For what does God chide Israel in Lamentations 4:3? To what animal does He compare them? (Remember what we just read about these animals in Job? Yes, God made this bird to behave this way for a reason, but this is exactly why man should not behave thoughtlessly!

5. All creatures have been made differently by God. This fundamental and pivotal truth is contradicted by the evolutionary idea that humans are also animals. Did you notice how, in this Bible study, the creationist view provides more insight, peace, and answers to the questions of life than an evolutionistic approach?

We are unique – having been made for a relationship with God which lasts not just for our time on earth when we need food and drink, but which is to last forever. That life is ours through God’s grace in Jesus Christ.


1989 Bible Science Newsletter.

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