How many “kinds” or “species” were created to give the variety we now have?

Question: How many “kinds” or “species” were created to give the variety we now have? Also, how many animals would Noah have had on the Ark?

Answer: The answer to both questions is the same, presuming no extinctions during the first 1,500 years of world history. We don’t even know how many “kinds” or “species” are alive today!

Please bear in mind that “kinds” and “species” are not necessarily the same. “Kind” is a biblical term while “species” is a human designation. Each word has its own, different, and imprecise meanings. In general, “kind” is often a bit broader than “species.”

This leaves us with little more than speculation to answer your frequently-asked question. However, the numbers of animals the Ark could have held can be roughly estimated since its size is given in Scripture. Morris and Whitcomb, in their book The Genesis Flood, estimate that there was enough room on the Ark for 35,000 sheep-size animals.


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