Was each day of Creation Week 1,000 years?

Genesis chapter one is a summary of God’s creation and begins in verses one and two with the creation of space, then the Earth with the waters. Later that same day [YOM], God created light [OR], saw it was all good and declared the evening and the morning to be the first day [YOM]. The chapter progresses with the creation of the Earth’s atmosphere and seas on the second day  [YOM], the grasses and fruit trees on the third day [YOM], then  the sun, moon – and, in that greatest of all understatements – “He made the stars also” – on the fourth day. The light created on that fourth day [YOM] is given in the Hebrew as MAOR, related to but not the same as OR on the first day. After describing the creation of the sea creatures, birds and then land animals, the chapter then states that God created man in His own image, “male and female He created them” [1:27] and concludes [1:31] by declaring that everything on that sixth day [YOM] was “very good.”

By making an appeal to two Scriptures, some Christians claim that the “days” of creation week were actually each of a thousand years. This is made in the hope of reconciling Scripture with the doctrine of evolution. The two scriptures used are:

Psalm 90:4. “For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is passed, and like a watch in the night.”

2 Peter 3:8. “But beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

The context of the first passage is to teach us to number our days while that of the second passage is to show that the Lord is longsuffering, calling all to repentance before the Earth and the works in it are burned up. There are a number of other objections to this “day is as a thousand years” theory:

  1. The Hebrew word YOM used in the Genesis context means a normal 24-hour day.
  2. The context for each of the passages claimed for the theory is not appropriate.
  3. The grasses and fruit trees created on the third “day” could not possibly survive for a thousand years without the sun created on the fourth “day.”
  4. The theory would require Adam and Eve to be created during the 1,000 years of the sixth day and possibly be hundreds of years old with no children before the normal 24-hour days began.

The academic and scientific establishments are convinced that multiple-millions of years were necessary for evolution to have taken place. Suggesting that the creation of heaven and Earth all took place in six-thousand years would definitely not be accepted by the establishments as a hopeful reconciliation between the two ideologies represented by geology and Scripture.

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