Why Do We Kill Babies?

Author: Pastor Robin Fish

Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use.

Why do we kill babies?

This is a question with a Biblical answer. Scientists are looking for natural reasons for the abortion problem. If they can find them, they believe that it will no longer be a problem, but an ongoing expression of our animal nature, and therefore nothing to be concerned about. The reason we kill babies as individuals and societies is very natural, but the natural reason is the one sort of reason evolutionist science cannot and will not examine – sin. Since science will not examine this issue, this Bible study will look at the biblical assessment of the reason why man kill babies.

1.Open your Bible to Matthew 15:19. Notice this list of sins. -What is the second sin named in this passage? -Where does killing come from? -Why is this sin listed so prominently here? -The only sin that precedes murder in this passage is the sin of evil thoughts. Could this be so because evil thoughts precede each of the other sins?

2.Read Genesis chapter four. Notice that it didn’t take man long to work up to the sin of murder. Look at the progression. What happened first? The specific incident doesn’t make a lot of difference. Cain was frustrated and unhappy within the service to the Lord. He was jealous of his brother’s acceptance by God. Was Cain really rejected? What came next?

3.The Lord cared so much for Cain that He directly intervened and spoke to Cain to warn him, comfort and reassure him. What did the Lord warn Cain about? -How might we express the thought “Sin is crouching at the door, and its desire for you” in modern terms? -Take special note that it was sin that was behind the death of Abel. Mere anger itself did not lead to the murder.

4.Killing another was considered so foul an act that over half of Exodus 21 is dedicated to punishing those who cause death. Notice in verse 22 that even the accidental, coincidental death of the unborn child carries a penalty.

5.Turn to Hosea 9:13-14. This is a curse of the Lord, a punishment. The death of children is so awful that it is one way that the Lord will punish. This does not mean that every death of a child is a punishment, but it does show us how evil such a thing is. The next curse is miscarriage. If it is a curse and a punishment to miscarry, what can it be but a sin to cause a miscarriage (i.e. as in abortion)?

6.That even unborn individuals are fully people to God can be seen easily. Look at Jeremiah 1:5. How soon was Jeremiah a reality, a real person in the eyes of God?

7.Turn to Psalm 139. See how real we are, and how God is aware of each of us, even (v. 15) before birth! Turn to Luke 1:39-45. John was still in the womb, and yet what did he do? He must have been filled with the Spirit Himself and able to act as an independent being, even though unborn.

8.Look at Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1. These passages seem uninspiring until one considers the fact that Cyrus was not even born until 150 years after this was written! We are clearly God’s creation, each of us individuals before birth, part of His plan even before conception.

9.Genesis 1:9 tells us that it is clearly against the will of God to kill another person. That thought is repeated in Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, and throughout Scripture. We have seen that sin is the cause of murder, and that even the unborn are people, and afforded divine protection in His law. Scientists may ponder the cause of the will to kill babies. Because they are unwilling to deal with the concept of God they cannot (and really don’t want to) deal with the concept of sin. But that is where the root of the problem lies. It is not in animal ancestry and evolutionary pressures, but in sinful ancestry and the pressure of sin yielded to.


1986 Bible Science Newsletter.

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