Author: Ian Taylor Introduction. The study of early man is known as paleoanthropology and, although scientific techniques are used, this discipline deals with non-repeatable and non-observable events of the past and by definition cannot be considered as a...

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Author: Ian Taylor The Source of C-14 The earth’s atmosphere is bombarded with cosmic rays thought to originate from our sun. The earth’s magnetic field serves to protect us from most of these cosmic rays. When the nucleus of a nitrogen atom (...

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Author: Robin D. Fish Note: Creation Moments exists to provide Biblically sound materials to the Church in the area of Bible and science relationships. This Bible study may be reproduced for group use. Some people are fascinated with the past. Some of us ...

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  • Riders on the Wind
    The tiny insect called ice plant scale has no wings. That’s why scientists were surprised to learn that the creature uses sophisticated preflight and flight strategies to move from one ice plant to the next. Ice plant scale infects ice plants, which are plants used in landscaping. To study the insect, scientists had to observe […]

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