Author: by Mark Cadwallader Speaking of magnetic fields, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and “geoengineering” brings us to an interesting ongoing topic of creationist endeavors–describing conditions of the world before it was r...

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The current belief is that the age of the earth is 4.6 billion years; this figure is an essential foundation for the theory of evolution. Of course, if the age of the earth really is in billions of years, the age of the universe can be no less and reasona...

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Author: by Donald S. Clark Astronomers are looking again. It seems that they can’t agree on the age of the universe, which is calculated from the Hubble constant. Last year new measurements were made using the orbiting Hubble telescope focused on th...

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  • Plants Focus Light
    In many ways, a plant is like a machine that changes the energy of sunlight into food energy that is needed by the rest of the living world. The energy which runs the plant is light. Now, if you were going to design a better, more efficient plant, how might you do it? Obviously, one […]

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