Don’t Let Them Scare You!

Fear-mongering “climate change” and other eco-disasters for the sake of fame and fortune have been occurring for over 50 years. Wealth is redistributed from Green Energy projects and “carbon credits” to corrupt crony capitalists, bureaucrats and heads of state. All are supported by agenda-driven, greed-driven, group-think-driven “science”.

In 1970, Dr. Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, author of the best-selling The Population Bomb, said that the oceans would all be essentially lifeless in a decade. He also said that America would be subject to water rationing by 1974 and to food rationing by 1980.

But he wasn’t the only one making such ludicrous predictions. In 1989, the United Nations announced that global warming would result in floods that would wipe whole countries out of existence and cause lower Manhattan to be many feet underwater by the year 2000!And earlier in the 1970s, an Ice Age was supposed to be here by the year 2000! This would cause the world to run out of food.

Fear sells policy and ideology. And fear will control people. Fear works against faith and freedom. So the key is to exercise faith and “a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7) over fear Ultimately, we know Who holds the future! He is “the most High”, God Almighty, Creator and Redeemer, and He holds us in His bright and glorious future through Jesus Christ!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Unsplash 921

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