Explosive Testimony Against Evolutionism

In 1980, billions of tons of soil slid as a fluid in what is called “pyroclastic flow” – upsetting lakes, filling-in valleys and carving out canyons in the largest recorded landslide in history. The earthquake that triggered the slide caused pent-up pressure and pulverized molten rock to burst from great depths of the earth, knocking down huge forests of trees like matchsticks for many miles!

If this had occurred much earlier than 1980 or in another part of the world, we would not have the data and recordings that we do today for this explosion at Mount St. Helens in Washington State, USA. The initial explosion was the equivalent of 25,000 Hiroshima atom bombs, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

As part of the modern creationist movement, the Mount St. Helens volcanic event has become a testimony in these “last days” of the power of a great cataclysm to greatly accelerate change in earth science and earth history. And to leave behind features of earth’s landscape that heretofore were interpreted as requiring the long ages of evolution, but which are now known through experience and data to have occurred in a few years, a few months, a few weeks or even a few days!

Truly it is as if God gave us a tremendous example, a natural outdoor laboratory, of what took place on a much, much larger scale in the Great Flood of Noah’s day (Genesis 7-9) – and a reminder of His word about uniformitarian “scoffers” who are “willingly ignorant” of the Great Flood of history (2 Peter 3:3-6).

Evolution theory requires so-called “deep time” – billions of years – in order to hypothesize the development of great complexity through natural processes in a direction which goes against all the naturally occurring decay. Evolutionists argue by saying, in effect, “I know we don’t see evolution happening now, but if you give it enough time, it “could” happen! And evolutionism forces an atheistic assumption that the history of the earth must be viewed through natural processes we measure in the present (uniformitarianism).

A key point they ignore with their God-less “natural” philosophy is that the “natural” direction of change is away from complexity. Things naturally decay, as is proven over and over by all kinds of applications of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics – entropy (decay) always increases. Indeed, the Bible said it first, in Romans 8:20-21 – the creation is in “bondage to corruption/decay”.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Pixabay. 117

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