Fear Not! The Sky Is NOT Falling!

Perhaps you remember the story of Chicken Little, the hen who got excited when an acorn fell on her head. She began running around hollering, “The sky is FALLING! The sky is FALLING!” On the way to tell the King about this catastrophe, she met her friends – a rooster, a duck, a goose and a turkey – who then became seized by fear, achieving a kind of mass animal hysteria. By the time they all met the fox, their judgment was essentially consumed by the mania, and they fell for the fox’s deception about a shortcut to see the King. So they followed the fox right into his den where they became dinner for the Fox family.

When people are fearful, they are more easily deceived, controlled and oppressed! This is why the Bible says in many places to “Fear not!”. Because we can put our trust in our great and loving Creator, the Bible says to “abide under the shadow of the Almighty”, to “say of the Lord ‘He is my refuge and my fortress’ and “Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler” (Psalm 91:1-3). The “snare of the fowler” is the snare of the devil.

When preoccupied by fear, we can’t discern truth and think as clearly – hence, the critical importance of abiding in God and Christ, and taking His Word to heart!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Illustration for the story of Chicken Little, published in 1916 (PD). 222

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