Finding the Way Out of Darkness and Deception

Even if you’re not old enough to remember The Moody Blues, a classic rock band popular in the 1960s and ’70s, this poem from their “Days of Future Passed” album has relevance for us all today…

“Breathe deep the gathering gloom,

Watch lights fade from every room.


Cold hearted orb that rules the night,

Removes the colors from our sight.

Red is grey and yellow white.

But we decide which is right.

And which is an illusion?”

– The Moody Blues, “Late Lament”, Graeme Edge, 1967

The great truth pictured in this poem is that deception becomes easier as darkness descends upon the Earth. Human beings are left on their own, in all their pride and frailty, to “decide which is right and which is an illusion” – an ultimately arbitrary and impossible task when the truth fades into darkness.

Yet, light is to darkness as truth is to deception! In the light, the details and color of reality and of “ultimate reality” are revealed. And from the Bible we know that the light overpowers the darkness. Light is connected to the eternal and living Word of God through Whom “all things were made” (John 1:1-5). The “Light of the World”, Jesus Christ, is our way out of the darkness!

As darkness prevails, so does opportunity for those who would deceive. Under cover of darkness, those with power and authority to impose their own agenda dictate to the rest of us “which is right and which is an illusion”.

This has been happening in the modern era with edict-driven, agenda-driven authoritarian “science”. As creationists, we’ve seen for many years how evolutionists regularly censor the evidence and discussion of alternative theories. Creationists have long noted, in fact, that evolution is essentially a faith held by humanistic modern mankind!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Pixabay 1021

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