Evolutionism works to obscure the supernatural source of power and wisdom. According to the Bible, the world, the flesh and the devil all cooperate to promote lies – which include evolutionism, and the idea that natural causes are all there is. Man’s irrational bias which believes the lies is part of what is captured in the theologian’s phrase “the depravity of man”. Yet, God wants us to use our spiritual senses to rise above the limitations of our mind and to pierce through the haze of evil. He wants us to use our spiritual eyes and ears with good rationale and logic from assumptions that grow out of faith, not unbelief!
It’s a problem for us, immersed as we are in a worldly culture caught up in the worship of false idols and a grand deception. Jesus cautioned his twelve disciples, saying, “Having eyes, see ye not? And having ears, hear ye not?” (Mark 8:18a). By this he meant their spiritual perception. His disciples had to be taught to adjust to a promised Messiah who would suffer and die to bring in the coming Kingdom in the fullness of time (Mark 8:31). Their Jewish culture, after hundreds of years of occupation, had been deceived into thinking that the Messiah would overthrow the hated Romans and restore the throne of King David. Even Peter, who correctly identified Jesus as the Christ, was told he was voicing the sentiment of Satan when he tried to tell Jesus He didn’t have to suffer. The point is, we cannot use the rationale of our culture. We need to apply spiritual eyes and ears to inform our rationale!
Modern science has benefited greatly from scientists with a biblical worldview understanding this reflection of biblical revelational truth in the creation, a fact suppressed by the secularists but acknowledged by philosophers of science for years. God’s word is truth, and provides both a worldview and specific information by which we can be led into scientific truth. This is why the Scientific Revolution came on the heels of the Protestant Reformation and mass printing of the Bible. The worldview that the creation has order and laws behind it just as its Creator does, led to the Scientific Method and its wide application throughout Western Civilization. It is also why, as just one example, Mathew Maury (1806-1873), the founder of oceanography, could famously credit Psalm 8:8 for his discovery of ocean currents.
Indeed, we need to “attend to God’s words”. Not only are they truth but they are spiritual power for life – as in eternal as well as abundant life! And like Mathew Maury we, too, can receive wondrous revelation out of God’s word (Psalm 119:18).
Truly, God can fix our “eyesight” when we fix our spiritual eyes on Him!
– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman
Photo: Unsplash 615
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