How Evolution Leads to Dictatorship

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “You have your way, I have my way. As for the right way, it does not exist.” This is a good summary of relativism.

Now here is the thing. The acceptance of moral relativism is closely linked to acceptance of the theory of evolution. The argument is that as we have evolved from lesser biological organisms, so our morals and ethics are also evolving. The end result is summed up by famous humanist Paul Kurtz: “If man is a product of evolution, one species among others, in a universe without purpose, then man’s option is to live for himself.” The bottom line for Humanism is that we cannot declare an absolute, fixed standard of morality. They end up arguing that there is “absolutely” no room for a Holy God!

Moral relativists become quite indignant and even dictatorial when it negatively impacts them. Consider what has happened to businesses providing wedding services when the proprietors argue it goes against their morals to participate in a same-sex wedding. Florists, bakers, and photographers have been successfully sued all over the United States in spite of our 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Religion.

The homosexual lobby has successfully claimed the rights of a persecuted minority in these cases. And so they have actually twisted Nietzsche’s moral-relativist creed to say, “I have my way, but you don’t have your way. Because the right way is my way.” Thus, relativism ironically turns into dictatorship because their new moral absolutes replace God’s eternal absolutes, and are forced upon everyone else!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman


Photo: Friedrich Nietzsche, circa 1875. (PD) 715

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