Next Stop – Babylon!

So comrades come rally, for this is the time and place.
The International Ideal unites the human race.
The Internationale, 1871, E. Pottier

Think globalism is a new thing? Think again.

Going back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, the Bible tells us that approximately 350 years following the earth-changing worldwide Flood of Noah, there was a one-world movement, not of God, but of mankind’s own talent and co-operation in a pagan, Satanic-inspired rejection of God.

The above lines of the song The Internationale are from the English version of the anthem sung by leftist movements and parties worldwide. Other lyrics include: “Stand up all victims of oppression…Those who have taken now they must give, and end the vanity of nations.… Let no one build walls to divide us… And so begins the final drama… We stand unbowed before their armor… Change will not come from above.” The principles espoused are rights for victims, redistribution of wealth, open borders, grass roots protest and revolution. But once transformation has occurred, what is the unifying principle? I see only the principle of unity for its own sake, unity itself in the pride of humanity. This is Babel.

Those leftist movements and parties which have The Internationale as their anthem have had a long track record of descending into dictatorship, of induced poverty, oppression, and murderous genocide through the last 150+ years since Karl Marx first published his theories. Marx and Engels – the founders of Socialism and Communism – were great admirers of Charles Darwin. Upon reading Darwin’s Origin of Species, Marx enthusiastically wrote: “…it contains the basis in natural history for our view… and… provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle.” Evolution has clearly propped up the leftist cause.

But it is the Lord Himself who fights against the evils permeating our world today. And it is He who will vanquish Socialism, Communism, Darwinism, and globalist Humanism. Creation Moments – and many others, including those who support us – are honored to stand with Him on the battlefield that lies before us!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Reconstruction of Ishtar Gate, which was the northern entrance to Babylon. (CC BY 2.0) 818

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