Plunging Deeper and Deeper into Deception

The science of man-made global warming is completely unproven, and very little can be done about it anyway if it were even true.

Unfortunately, critical thinking has not really been a high priority for public education – taking a back seat to agenda-driven worldly indoctrination, such as with evolution.

As the Bible teaches, you may be smart, but you can still be ignorant and foolish (e.g., Romans 1:22). This is why Vladimir Lenin could coin the phrase “useful idiots” in the programs of government control when he talked about people buying into Marxist theory. The Bible says it well: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12).

This is an important reason why Creation Moments is so committed to disseminating the truth about Creation, the Bible and God in Christ! There are indeed very real forces of evil and deception which will make casualties of people in many ways if the truth of God is not proclaimed. We all need to be informed of biblical truth if we are to be enabled to truly think critically and accurately about things.

Day by day, as we get ever closer to the day of our Lord’s return, we see the world plunging deeper and deeper into deception. Even Christians are not immune from those who are out to deceive us about biblical truth. In fact, we are their number-one target! This is why the work of Creation Moments is even more vital today than when the Lord first called us into His service over a half-century ago.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Pixabay 916

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