Proclaiming Evidence for Truth

There’s a good reason why Creation Moments uses this phrase to sum up the purpose of our ministry: “Proclaiming Evidence for Truth”. In the Lord there is always a season for planting and harvesting, for sowing seeds of truth and reaping a harvest of souls! And we are happy to plant seeds of truth which free people from the chains that come from unbelief!

Jesus told His disciples to continue in His word – because as they did so, they would know the truth, and the truth would make them free! So, what we see from Scripture is that the seeds of truth yield a harvest of freedom!

For example, once people realize that the whole of Scripture is trustworthy – that it is true even where it contradicts so-called science (like evolution) – they open up to the entire word of God! And the word of God is the “sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17) which moves and frees hearts and minds from the lies and chains of the devil. The Spirit brings liberty, freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17)!

“Proclaiming evidence for truth” – including the foundational truth of creation – has never been so important and has never had such potential for fruitfulness. Not only is the message ripe for our times, but the vehicles of media and communication by which it is carried around the world are growing in ways unimagined just a short time ago!

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Unsplash/Creation Moments 118

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