Sacrificing Children to the Volcano God

Like fearful island dwellers sacrificing their children to appease the volcano god to keep it from erupting, people today often sacrifice their freedom under God for various fears promoted by a culture of deception and death. This includes the culture of death of the unborn, to appease the fear of responsibility and  conclusions of  “sexual freedom” through  the godless “science” of evolution.

In many ways, our culture is based on modernized witchcraft. We are really no better than the ancients. Control, domination and manipulation – the ancient practice of shamans and witches over people to help them “avoid disaster” – is, in many ways, the practice of today’s rulers.

“Trust the science,” they tell us, except that such science is based in godlessness, with plenty of dishonesty, corruption, deception and deconstruction of divine truth along the way. “To avoid disaster, switch to electric cars, keep wearing your masks, and vaccinate your kids!” they say. “And teach them Critical Race Theory (CRT)”, thus reviving evolution-based racism, mixed with evolution-supported Marxism. “Oh and by the way, if you resist what we tell you to do, WE’RE COMING FOR YOU!” Godless science will try to work-in the fear-factor in many ways.

– Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman

Photo: Pixabay 222

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