A Discovery Predicted by Creationists

Genesis 1:31-2:1
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.”

The ability to predict new discoveries is an important test of whether someone is being scientific in their approach to knowledge. In science, it is especially desirable to predict correctly an unexpected discovery. Many theories that were rejected by almost all of science became accepted because they correctly predicted unexpected discoveries.

Over the years, evolutionists have had to admit that some mammals were alive while dinosaurs were still living. Now, a new discovery has pushed back the age of anthropoids by 50 percent. That places anthropoids fairly close to the age of the dinosaurs. According to evolution, anthropoids – like tarsiers – are ancestors of apes, monkeys and humans.

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank You for those scientists who believe the truth of Your Word. Use their work and words, along with my words, to bear witness of Your truth of salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Author: Paul A. Bartz

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