A Prehistoric Spark Plug?

I Corinthians 10:4b
“For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.”

Here on our Creation Moments program we frequently report on fossil finds that show that rocks don’t take millions of years to form. We feature many of these, rather than just one example, in the hope that it will become common knowledge that it is not unusual for rocks to form rapidly.

The Coso ArtifactOur latest example was found on a beach in Ventura County, California. It is clearly a modern rock that formed in the last few decades because partially embedded in the stone is a spark plug. Clearly, no one would claim that man has been making spark plugs for millions of years. The porcelain part of the spark plug became part of the rock. Originally, the metal parts of the spark plug were also embedded in the rock. They rusted away after the rock was formed, leaving an imprint clear enough to determine the thread size of the now-missing metal parts. This suggests that this rock formed within a relatively short time since such metal quickly corrodes in sea water. Based on the thread size and the porcelain portion of the plug, it is thought that the spark plug doesn’t date to before the 1950s! It is theorized that the plug originally was in a boat engine and was discarded into the sea.

That there are so many examples of obviously modern fossils shows that it is not uncommon for rocks to form rapidly. Some rocks you see today may not have existed as rocks when your grandfather was your age. There is no reason for the long-age dating of rocks to undermine faith in our spiritual Rock, Who is Christ.

Dear Father, thank You for sending Your Son to be my Rock. Amen.

Creation, 9-11/99, p. 6, “Sparking interest in rapid rocks.” Image:  A spark plug encased in stone