Ants Who Garden

Genesis 2:15
“And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.”

Farming and gardening are said by evolutionists to be very advanced activities. They say that primitive humans did not do these things, and that gardening developed only recently in human history. But if there is a Creator, we would expect that He would have taught many kinds of creatures to care for plants or even trees.

Ants who gardenGuess what? There are even ants who garden. There is a particular type of fierce ant that cares for the South American bull’s horn acacia tree. While the ants don’t need the tree for their survival, they do eat portions of it. But they never eat enough to cause damage to the tree. In fact, the ants protect their tree – they snip off vines or other growth that comes too close to the tree, maintaining plenty of growing room for their tree. The ants are aggressive enough to keep other insects or even birds or larger animals away from their tree.

In studying this amazing relationship, researchers have removed the ants from some of these trees. Within two to fifteen months, the tree is dead. Without the ants’ care, animals eat off all the leaves and surrounding plants overrun it.

Who taught these ants to be gardeners? How could two so very different kinds of life develop such a close relationship? This results in a great mystery for evolution. Without ants you couldn’t evolve the tree, and without the tree, the ants couldn’t learn to care for it. You can’t get around it. Both were created fully formed, and the Creator taught the ants how to care for the tree.

Father, I see for myself that Your Word is true as I look around the world that You have made. I ask that You would show me what You want me to do in bearing witness to the truth of the forgiveness of sins, which is ours through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
