Are the Days of Genesis a Literary Device?

Exodus 20:11
“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

One of the most common arguments against a literal six-day creation is that the structure of the days is a literary device, called the Framework Hypothesis. The hypothesis suggests an almost poetic pattern to the days, which they claim demonstrates that the days are not meant to be taken literally. On day one, God made the universe. On day two, He made the seas and atmosphere, and on day three He made the land, with its plants. Then on day four, He filled the universe, day five filled the sea and atmosphere, and day six filled the land. So there are three days of creating ex nihilo and three days of filling those creations. Again, the advocates of this hypothesis maintain that this pattern shows that Genesis 1 is allegorical literature, proclaiming the truth of God as Creator, but does not give a historical account.

A quick answer to this point is that if there is a real pattern of two sets of three days, this does not prove that the days are not literal. God is a God of order. However, their neat pattern breaks down. Day one is not actually the parallel to day four – day two is. How so? On day two, God created the firmament, and the firmament refers not merely to the atmosphere but the entirety of space.

A better suggestion is to take God at His word, that He created everything exactly how He said He did.

Prayer: We pray, Lord, that in every aspect of our lives, we will submit to Your wonderful word. Amen.

Author: Paul F. Taylor

Ref: Taylor, P.F. (2020), About Genesis, (J6D Publications), pp. 48-51. Image: Shutterstock, licensed to author.

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