Bee Cologne

Isaiah 53:5

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”

Imagine being in a party that’s all packed into one room and everyone is talking. Under these conditions it’s often difficult to hear, or at least, understand what others around you are saying. Now imagine that all of these people look nearly identical. None has any noticeable distinguishing features that make him different from anyone else in the room. Now, to make matters worse, you have been informed that you are to find the person in the room who was not invited to the party.

That’s the impossible situation that honeybees constantly face. However, the noisy room I have just described is noisy in two ways. Bees not only communicate through sound. They also use scents to communicate. And the hive is full of scents. Yet honeybees are constantly alert to bees who are not members of the hive. Invaders are killed. How can bees so successfully protect the hive?

Entomologists have discovered that members of a hive all carry the same chemical password. The scent must be very distinctive because the hive is filled with smells. It also seems that all honeybees may use a specific combination and subtle variations of only two chemicals. Yet each hive can instantly tell whether another bee carries the specific chemical password.

The complexity of this avenue of beehive defense shows not only a wise and powerful Creator. It also shows us that He cares for what He has created. He cares for You, too. Learn more about the specific details of His love for You in the Bible.   Author: Paul A. Bartz

Prayer: I thank You, Lord, that You have loved me so much that You carried the punishment for my sin in Your own body on the cross. Assure me that my sins are forgiven with Your peace and grant me a renewed hunger to learn Your Word. Amen.

Ref. Pennisi. E. “Bees use Chemical Passwords to Show Kinship.” Science News, July 4, 1992  Photo: Honey Bee, Pixabay (PD)