Biblical Science

Psalm 111:2

“The works of the LORD are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein”.

The saying goes that “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” However, just because something is called a rose does not mean that it would smell as sweet as a rose.

Likewise, not everything that goes by the name of science is actually science even if it is a view held by the so-called scientific establishment.

It is convenient for us to refer to two different types of science. Observational Science is based on what we see here and now. It involves the observations and measurements that we make in experiment and in field work. It is repeatable; that is to say, if the same experiment is done under the same conditions, it will give the same result, and, if it does not, it clearly needs to be checked.

Historical science concerns alleged one-time events that happened in the past. These events are not repeatable or reproducible. The conditions will not occur again. Historical science is not susceptible to scientific analysis.

Clear solutions of lead(II) nitrate and sodium iodide will, when mixed, give a yellow solid precipitate of lead(II) iodide. We would not expect to do this experiment on another day and get a purple gas. It is a repeatable experiment. However, the alleged reaction – when inorganic molecules were supposed to have reacted to form a living cell as the first stage of evolution – is not observational science. It is perfectly biblical, therefore, for us to criticize such evolutionary ideas as being outside of science.   Author: Paul F. Taylor

 Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for men and women of science through the ages whose careful experiments have been in accord with the way You made the Universe. Amen.

Ref: Ham, K. and Moretenson, T, (2007), Science or the Bible? < >, accessed 8/9/2018. Image: Adobe Stock Images, licensed to author.