Biblical Skepticism Challenged

Psalm 119:160
“Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.”

Unfortunately, many biblical archaeologists do not accept the Bible’s account of the period of the judges. They believe that there was no distinct Israel during this time.

William DeverIn a talk at Northwestern University, however, William Dever severely challenged these views. Dever is professor of Near Eastern archaeology and anthropology at the University of Arizona. He pointed out that during the period of the judges, about 300 new villages appeared out of nowhere in the central hill country of Palestine. The distinctly different design of the houses and villages match the living arrangements practiced in Israel at this time. Evidence, he noted, points to an increase in population that could only be accounted for by a rapid influx of people.

Furthermore, while pigs were a common staple at this time in Palestine, these new towns are unique in that they contain no pig remains. Farming also changed rapidly as hillsides were terraced. The introduction of iron affected daily life. And pottery styles changed rapidly as the culture developed. Moreover, the Egyptians artifact of the time conclusively proves biblical history. A monument erected in Egypt during the period of the judges mentions Israel as a distinct people.

While science can illustrate many details found in the Bible, we don’t believe what the Bible says because of science. Therefore, science can never “prove” the Bible to be in error. Faith convinces us of the Bible’s truth.

Dear Father, I rejoice for the faith You have given me that Your Word is without error. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Biblical Archaeology Review, 3/4/00, pp. 28 35, 68, “Save Us From Postmodern Malarkey.” Photo: William Dever.