Big Bang Boom?

1 Corinthians 15:41
“There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.”

The Big Bang theory holds that in the very early stages of our universe, there were few galaxies, and they were small by today’s standards. In this theory, no star can be older than its home galaxy.

But this tidy model of our universe appears to be in trouble. For this discussion, we are going to big bang boomuse the inflated ages used by astronomers. When astronomers look through their telescopes at a star that is, say, 10 million light years away, they say they are looking at what was there 10 million years ago. Now, the universe is said to be 14 billion years old. Galaxies formed nearly that long ago are a very long way off, expected to be small, and their stars young, just as it was supposed to be after the Big Bang. Work with the Hubble telescope in 2004 revealed many such young galaxies, including one only 800 million years old, but it is six times more massive than our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Most significantly, these young galaxies contain some old red stars. It’s said to be like looking in a nursery of cooing babies and finding a few grown men!

These findings not only call the Big Bang theory into question but support the view that God created a mature universe, just as Scripture teaches.

Thank You, Father, for the glory, beauty and variety You have created in the heavens which praise You. Amen.

Science News, 10/8/05, pp. 235-236, Ron Cowen, “Crisis in the Cosmos?”