Confused About the Red Panda

Genesis 1:25
“And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thingthat creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Are you confused about the red panda? If so, you are not alone.

These lovable-looking animals are popular in zoos. Unlike giant pandas, they are quite easy to look after in zoos, and their cute ginger-and-white faces are very appealing to the public. Like giant pandas, they eat mostly bamboo.

I have kept comparing them to the animal with which they share a name – the giant panda. But the classification of red pandas has been fraught with difficulty. At one time, evolutionists thought that all pandas were part of the same family – hence their names. However, when giant pandas were reclassified as part of the bear family, this left red pandas out in the cold. There were some who wanted to classify the red panda along with the bears, but others thought it was a raccoon due to the similarity of their tails. Nowadays, evolutionists have classified the red panda in a family all of its own. Creationist biologists agree and refer to the Ailuridae baramin (or created kind).

Red pandas have sharp claws and a powerful bite. Some evolutionists have supposed that this is because the near-vegetarian red pandas must have evolved from a carnivorous animal. In fact, there is no evidence to support the evolution of red pandas. Their claws are essential for climbing trees, and their powerful bite is necessary in order to eat bamboo. God designed the red panda just the way He wanted to.

Prayer: Lord God, we love the variety of animals that You have made. When we see how You care for them, by how You have designed them, we are thankful that You tell us that You value us more than these. Amen.

Author: Paul F. Taylor

Ref: Encyclopedia Britannica, < >, accessed 8/3/2020. Image: CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported.

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