Created Male and Female

Genesis 6:19
“And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.”

One of our Creation Moments listeners has written to ask how evolutionists explain the development of male and female. The problem is, if a mutation produced the first male, it isn’t likely that another mutation would have produced the first female at the same time and in the same neighborhood. The writer further pointed out that studies now show that with the current genetic errors we all carry within us, one male and one female would not be enough to establish a new population of male and female creatures.

Yeast cells reproduce asexuallyThe question is important. Evolutionists have admitted that their theory does not have a satisfactory explanation for how male and female could have developed. One evolutionist even noted that because evolutionists have no credible explanation, most textbooks simply ignore the question as obvious as it is.

But evolutionists also point out that the problems in explaining the origins of male and female are even greater than those already mentioned. They now admit that their studies show that if creatures progress by evolution, creatures who reproduce sexually would be at a disadvantage. Even worse, sexual reproduction is, as one evolutionist put it, designed to weed out the very genetic variations that supposedly cause evolution!

It is difficult to understand, then, how anyone could say that evolution offers a better explanation of life than the Bible’s creation account.

Dear Father, I thank You that in Your wisdom You have made us male and female and that You have done so in a way which confounds man’s rebellious wisdom. Help this fact be a witness to Your glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Yeast cells reproduce asexually. Courtesy of Rainis Venta. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.