Definitions of Gender

Genesis 1:27-28a
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them…”

Male and female teenagers in a classroomRecently, a schoolteacher from a government school in England was suspended for referring to a child by the wrong gender pronoun. The pronouns used to be he or she. Now there is a bewildering number of other pronouns, such as per, ve, xe, ze, and many more. These are designed to indicate various levels of masculinity or femininity depending on how the user defines themselves. Gender is, in many circles today, considered to be fluid and aligns with whatever gender we say we are.

It is true that in the past, there were certain gender stereotypes in schools which should not have been adopted. I remember in the 1970s, my nephew taking cooking (or domestic science, as it was called then) for one of his examination subjects at school. This caused quite a stir in the family, and he was the only boy in his class. But this in no way indicated a lack of masculinity on his part, and, in my opinion, it was something to be encouraged.

There is nothing unbiblical about a boy learning to cook or a girl learning car maintenance. But this is not the agenda that modern schoolteachers are facing. They are facing biologically male students who self-identify as girls, or vice versa.

The Bible is very clear on this subject. We read “male and female [God] created them”. A person’s gender is defined by the way that God has made them, not by one’s own opinion.     Author: Paul F. Taylor

Thank You, Lord, for the way that You created me. In a world affected by sin, the way we are is not perfect, but thank You for Your gracious help in our every need. Amen.


Ref: Transgender Identity, < >, accessed 11/27/2017. Image: Adobe Stock Images, licensed to author.