Did Comets Help Create Life?

Psalm 147:16-17
“He giveth snow like wool: he scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes. He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?”

Would you believe that life on planet Earth was the result of icy comets striking the Earth’s surface long, long ago? We didn’t think so. But a team of researchers from three distinguished institutions would disagree with you.

Illustration: Artist's conception of a storm of comets around a star near our ownTo understand the effect of a comet hitting a planet, the researchers fired ice projectiles through a high-speed gun at targets that were icy mixtures that they said had compounds similar to those found on comets. When the ice chips stopped flying, they discovered that the impacts had created some amino acids.

One researcher wrote that “this process demonstrates a very simple mechanism whereby we can go from a mix of simple molecules, such as water and carbon-dioxide ice, to a more complicated molecule, such as an amino acid. This,” he wrote, “is the first step towards life. The next step is to work out how to go from an amino acid to even more complex molecules such as proteins.”

Good luck with that! Scientists have been attempting to do that since 1953, when Stanley Miller and Harold Urey at the University of Chicago produced amino acids by shooting bolts of simulated lightning into a concoction of chemicals. Proteins – the real building blocks of life – are light-years away from amino acids.

How sad that scientists are wasting so much time looking for answers to how life began. If only they believed the Bible’s account of origins, they could dedicate their skills to pursuing real scientific achievements that benefit mankind.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask You to lead more Christians into the sciences so that they can do research that honors You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Author: Steven J. Schwartz
Ref: http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/3989/20130916/comets-hitting-planets-help-build-life-study-finds.htm. “Comets Hitting Planets May Help Build Life, Study Finds”, Nature World News, 9/16/13. Illustration: Artist’s conception of a storm of comets around a star near our own. Courtesy of NASA.

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