Dinosaurs Need Friends, Too

Proverbs 18:24
“A man [that hath] friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend [that] sticketh closer than a brother.”

Almost every creature seeks companionship with others. This universal, basic need gives us additional insight into the mind of the Creator.

Those who believe in evolution have always thought that only warm-blooded creatures valued companionship and love. So for generations, dinosaurs – which are supposed to be much further down the Dinosaurs need friendsevolutionary scale of living things – were seen as hard-hearted, dull-witted, uncaring creatures that didn’t even care whether their own young lived or died. Now, many instances of the desire for companionship – even among dinosaurs – is being uncovered.

Scientists are learning that dinosaurs often lived together in communities, building nests, caring for their young and traveling together, even when they had no need for protection. In some sites, huge dinosaur trackways show that various kinds of dinosaurs lived in groups, close to each other, and that the same kinds generally followed their own pathways. These discoveries at several sites and involving many different kinds of dinosaurs have convinced scientists that dinosaurs were very much like modern animals in their social habits. In other words, dinosaurs needed friends, too.

That almost all of His creatures value companionship tells us a little about our Creator. Scripture reveals more details about this aspect of the Creator when it tells us that He created man because of His great love. Do you know His love for you through Jesus Christ?

Father, I thank You for my friends. Most especially do I thank You for Your love for me in sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to be my truest and best friend and brother. In His Name. Amen.

Notes: Ref: Gary Blonston, “Sociable Dinosaurs,” Science 83.