Egyptian Indians?

Genesis 11:7
“Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”

We have mentioned a number of New World sites at which ancient Old World writing has been found. These examples, of which there are many, serve to show that before the Dark Ages, knowledge of the New World was fairly common and that man has always been curious and resourceful.

Rock carving of bison inside Anubis Cave #2, Cimarron County, Oklahoma.One of the most unusual examples of ancient Old World inscriptions in the New World is found in northwestern Oklahoma. The inscriptions are located on the walls of Anubis cave. If you think that name is Egyptian, you are correct. Inside the cave are a number of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. These include a human figure standing on a three-dimensional cube. Rays extend from the figure’s head. Anubis, the Egyptian god that was said to conduct the souls of the dead to judgment, also appears. The oddest element among the figures, however, is the presence of Celtic ogam inscriptions. These inscriptions indicate that the cave was used for Celtic ceremonies. Were the Celts familiar with Egyptian hieroglyphs? Or was this North American cave visited in ancient times by both Egyptians and Celts?

It was not until God confused man’s language at the Tower of Babel that man took seriously God’s command to spread out and fill the Earth. With their new languages, people were more motivated to use their abilities to explore the entire world. Ancient Old World inscriptions in the New World illustrate that these God given abilities have always been considerable.

Lord, thank You for the beauty of the world You have given us to explore. Amen.

Science Frontiers, p. 33, “Did the Ancient Egyptians Explore Oklahoma?” Photo: Rock carving of bison inside Anubis Cave #2, Cimarron County, Oklahoma. Courtesy of Peter Faris.