Evolution and the Origin of Life

Genesis 1:31
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

Prior to Darwin’s ideas being published, there were many people who believed in spontaneous generation. This idea teaches that life just appears from non-living material. There was always observational evidence for this. For example, dead meat will eventually “spontaneously generate” maggots. Eventually, more careful research showed that this was, in fact, due to fruit flies landing on the meat and laying eggs, which hatched out into maggots.

Those evolutionists who wish to ridicule the idea of spontaneous generation need to remember that they have to believe it happened at least once. A German university has recently tried to find a route for the development of DNA, but their suppositions raise far more questions than they answer. Their study says:

The process of biological evolution that has given rise to the diversity of life on our planet must have been preceded by a phase of chemical evolution. During this ‘prebiotic’ stage, the first polymeric molecules capable of storing information and reproducing themselves were randomly assembled from organic precursors that were available on the early Earth. The most efficient replicators subsequently evolved into the macromolecular informational nucleic acids – DNA and RNA – that became the basis for all forms of life on our planet.

The fine sounding words, however, are, at their core, meaningless. No explanation can be forthcoming on how these information-storing molecules could have been assembled from abiotic molecules. The more scientific approach is to see that the information was entirely from God, the Creator.

Prayer: Thank You, Father, that You have revealed how You made all life on Earth and have given us a written record in Your word. Amen.

Author: Paul F. Taylor

Ref: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. “Origin of life: A prebiotic route to DNA.” ScienceDaily, 18 June 2019. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/06/190618103721.htm>. Image: Ocean vents, where evolutionists believe life from non-life happened. Public Domain image.

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