Faith and the Young Darwin

Hebrews 11:6

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”

From an early age, Charles Darwin’s mother, Sukey, took him to church. That is why so many people assume that Darwin’s background was Christian. But the church to which Sukey Darwin took her children was not just any church. It was a Unitarian Church. And the influence of this church, and its pastor, Rev. William Case, was not just for Sundays. Case operated a small grammar school in the manse, and Sukey sent the young Charles there.

Unitarianism takes a strong doctrinal position on not taking doctrinal positions. Its name suggests not only a belief in the singularity of God, but an opposition to the biblical Trinitarian position. Unitarians deny that Jesus is God, even though the Bible says He is. Consequently, they also deny the authority and inspiration of Scripture, except in the vague sense of being “inspired” by any “uplifting” literature.

Case’s influence on Darwin’s later life is undeniable. For example, Case’s nature trips to the local quarry instilled a lifelong love of natural history in the boy. It surely must also be that Darwin had no foundation of trusting God’s word from these early experiences – God’s word that reveals to us His triune character and the deity of Christ.

Though we do not derive the doctrine of the Trinity from Genesis 1, we can see the doctrine clearly reflected in the Creation by the Creator, by the Word of God and by the Spirit of God.    Author: Paul F. Taylor

Prayer: Father in heaven, we thank You that you gave us the truth in Your word, and we can completely rely upon it. Amen.

Ref: McNaughton, I. And Taylor, P. (2008), Darwin and Darwinism: 150 Years Later (Leominster, UK: Day One Publications). Image: Ellen Sharples, Darwin at 7 years old, Public Domain.