Famous Scientists Reject Darwinian Evolution

Proverbs 10:14
“Wise people store up knowledge, but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.”

Modern evolutionists often give us the impression that evolution was accepted by the scientific community of Darwin’s day. But the scientists of Darwin’s day didn’t hear his theory, slap themselves on the forehead, and say, “Of course!” In fact, some of the most influential scientists of the day were hostile to Darwinian evolution.

Adam Sedgwick in 1867Take Adam Sedgwick, for example. Although he taught field geology to Charles Darwin, he flatly rejected Darwin’s theory. After reading Darwin’s book, he wrote to Darwin that parts of it were completely false and filled him with sorrow. Astronomer Sir John Herschel also rejected Darwin’s theory. A fellow of the prestigious Royal Society, he called Darwinian evolution, “the law of higgledy piggledy.” Evolution claims that life developed spontaneously by time and chance, but Louis Pasteur was motivated to prove that life only comes from life. Science philosopher William Whewell would not allow Darwin’s book into the Cambridge University Library. James Clerk Maxwell strongly opposed Darwinian evolution.

Ironically, it was the churchmen of Darwin’s time who embraced Darwinian evolution. And when those who grew up in evolutionist churches got their science degrees, all they knew was that “everyone” had always supported evolution. This illustrates how a church’s lack of faithfulness can change the worldview of an entire culture for the worse.

Lord, protect and preserve me from ever being led into false belief. Amen.

Creation, 9/11/99, pp. 26 27, “Holy War?” Photo: Adam Sedgwick in 1867.