Flying Sheep?

Romans 8:28
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.”

One unusual argument that the universe is the work of the Creator rather than aimless chance goes like this: Only with the highest quality research and work, often over many years, can humans begin to approach the excellence of things in nature.

One would think, for example, that it would be a simple job for modern science to create a fireproof fabric better than anything found in nature. After all, no living things in nature – besides humans – crash and burn. However, 80 percent of those who die in airplane crash fires are killed by the blinding, poisonous smoke, much of which comes from their seat cushions. The foam in the cushion begins to produce toxic smoke when the treated upholstery fabric gives out at 1,300 and allows the flames through.

Prayer: Our Dear Good Shepherd, You know and fill our needs even before we are aware of them. Help me to remember this, especially when I become anxious about my material or spiritual needs. Amen.

Author: Paul A. Bartz

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