God Extends the Olive Leaf to Us

Genesis 8:11
“And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.”

Many plant species undoubtedly became extinct during the Great Flood at the time of Noah. It has been speculated that many of the plants lost forever during the Flood offered better nutrition or medications than many of the plants we know today. This could be why, after the Flood, God allowed the eating of meat for the first time. Meat could make up for the nutrition no longer available in the now-extinct plants.

Olives from JordanToday, we are extracting some powerful medicines from plants from all over the world. The olive is one plant that may hint at some of the extraordinary abilities that God may have built into some of the extinct plants. We’ve all heard about the healthy effects of olive oil. But it turns out that the olive leaf, too, provides some very healthy extracts.

One extract, oleuropein, found in all parts of the olive plant, has been shown to delay the formation of poisons formed by mold growing in nut meal. It can also stop the growth of one type of staphylococcus. Other studies suggest that this extract may relax the smooth muscles of artery walls, temporarily lowering blood pressure. In addition, it may help the heart function better and inhibit the formation of clogging plaques in the bloodstream. Other extracts from the olive leaf have been shown not only to be antioxidants, but also to slow the production of poisons or even destroy certain bacteria.

I thank You, dear Father, for all the blessings of the earth. Amen.

Optimal Nutrients, Olive Leaf Extract, Foster, CA. Photo: Olives from Jordan. Courtesy of Nickfraser. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)