God Helps Design a Better Submarine

Psalm 69:34
“Let the heaven and earth praise Him, the seas, and everything that moveth therein.”

Engineers who design vehicles to move through fluids face a quandary. A torpedo-shaped vehicle can move quickly and efficiently through a fluid like water, but it is difficult to maneuver precisely or get to hover. A boxier vehicle can be designed to hover and move with more precision but lacks speed and efficiency.

Engineers at the University of Colorado at Boulder have now solved that problem. For their solution they went to the design found in jellyfish and squid. These creatures move through the water very efficiently by expelling water in a vortex ring. So the engineers experimented with various designs until they had small but efficient vortex ring generators. Then they tested them on small vehicles. One of their designs was used to successfully parallel park an unmanned underwater vehicle. This design is expected to be used in much more than underwater vehicles. Engineers also envision tiny capsules equipped with tiny vortex jets cruising through the digestive tract to find or treat diseases.

As ingenious as this design is, this design really gives glory to its original Designer – God. This glory is not just in God’s original design of jellyfish and squid but His design of the human brain, which can understand and copy His designs.

Father, I join Your creation in glorifying you for Your designs, including our brains, which can learn from them. Amen.

http://www.colorado.edu/news/cgi-bin/print.cgi?year=2006&id=428. Photo: Vortex wing helicopter.