Have Evolutionists Found a Bad Design in the Eye?

Genesis 1:31
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

Evolutionists, trying to answer creationist arguments, have suggested that there is an “error” in the design of the eye that any wise Creator would not have made. That “error” in design, as evolutionists call it, is that the retina of the mammal’s eye is “inside out” – the light entering the eye passes through other eye tissue before hitting the photoreceptors. But is this really an error in design?

Design of the eyeDr. Joseph Calkins, a professor at Johns Hopkins University and a creationist, points out that the photoreceptors in mammal’s eyes need the extra tissue. It provides nutrients to the retina. This is crucial, because the eye’s receptors have a very fast rate of metabolism – they live out their entire lives in only about seven days!

If you have ever looked at the sun and then experienced an after image, you have probably burned out some of your photoreceptors. However, because your photoreceptors have such a fast rate of metabolism and they receive those extra nutrients from the eye tissue, the damaged receptors are all replaced within a few days! Besides, as Dr. Calkins points out, the tissues that lie between the light source and your retina are packed in so tightly that they are separated by less than the wave length of light, making them completely transparent!

It seems that the evolutionists’ claim that the eye is poorly designed – and thus a product of chance rather than a Creator – was based on their ignorance of how the eye needs to work. Again, the evolutionary argument falls in the light of scientific knowledge, and once more we see the witness to our Creator!

Dear Lord, in order to avoid his own guilt, man would rather fault You, even claiming at the same time that You don’t exist! I thank You that You have given me faith in Your love and forgiveness for me. I ask that my trust will always be in You and never in myself. Amen.

Photo: Courtesy of Petr Novák. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.