Healing Power of Prayer Undeniable

Matthew 6:33
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

From time to time we hear about scientific studies showing that Christians live longer and healthier lives than unbelievers. We also hear of studies proving that prayer really does work. One recent report, consisting of 1,500 different medical studies, showed that “people who are more religious and pray more have better mental and physical health.”

prayerDr. Harold Koenig, director of Duke’s Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health, said, “Studies have shown prayer can prevent people from getting sick, and when they do get sick, prayer can help them get better faster.” Former atheist Tom Knox agrees: “Over the past thirty years a growing and largely unnoticed body of scientific work shows religious belief is medically, socially, and psychologically beneficial.”

Though Creation Moments believes in the efficacy of prayer and the power of God to heal, we must urge caution when hearing about medical studies like these. For one thing, you can evidently believe in any “God” to enjoy the health benefits. For another, the report doesn’t mention that people of faith tend to avoid risky and unhealthy behaviors. Or that the mind itself exerts a powerful force on the body.

But most important, studies like these encourage people to seek God for the wrong reasons. Good health and a long life must never be the primary motivating factors for turning to God. Seek the only true God – the God of the Bible – through repentance and by putting your trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for everything You bring into my life. Your presence enables me to be joyful no matter what difficulties might come my way. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Author: Steven J. Schwartz
Ref: “1,500 Medical Studies Declare Healing Power of Prayer Undeniable,” ChristianHeadlines.com, 4/6/15.

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