How Wrong Can You Be?
Genesis 1:24
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.”
An article in Scientific American posed the question “How wrong can you be?” and gave a definitive answer. The answer is 15%. A well-crafted and well-targeted exam paper should see the average mark being 85%. If the average is higher, with a lot of people getting 100%, then the exam is too easy. This is good examination theory, and I remember studying how good exams and tests should be set as part of my teacher training back in 1983.
However, the article goes on to suggest that some questions cause difficulty with a right-wrong analysis. The author suggests that if an idea is shown to be wrong, the advocates of that idea will not usually be persuaded to reject it, but rather adapt it by reinterpreting some of the words and phrases. The examples they give are religious in nature. I agree with his argument that reinterpretation happens, though I reject his example. A better example would be the theory of evolution.
It is very common for evolutionists to reinterpret their foundational words and phrases if it is found that an evolutionary idea does not work. The biggest concept of all is what Darwin called the Origin of Species. Of course, one issue not covered by Darwin’s famous book is the actual origin of life. But when challenged on this fundamental lack, evolutionists usually answer that their theory does not cover the issue of the emergence of life. Of course, Genesis 1 covers this in detail!
Prayer: In the midst of all our questions, thank You, Lord, that Your word has the answers. Amen.
Author: Paul F. Taylor
Ref: Commers, C. (2019), How Wrong Should You Be?, < >, accessed 1/18/2019. Image: Adobe Stock Images, licensed to author
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