Is This Any Way to Do Business?

Mark 8:36
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

Evolutionary scientists tell us that mutations were central to the production of the great variety of creatures on earth today from the first living cell. At the same time, biologists admit that 99 A mutation in garden moss rose to produce flowers of different colors.percent of all mutations are harmful. But, argue evolutionists, if you add up that one percent of good mutations over millions of years, you get the beautiful variety of living things we have today. Let’s take a closer look, even granting the unproven claim that one percent of mutations are helpful.

For argument’s sake, let’s compare evolution’s business with human business. Let’s say you start a business with $100. As is not unusual, you lose $10 the first year, the equivalent of a bad mutation. As you become more experienced in business, you lose less in the years that follow, but since only one out of 99 mutations is good, you continue to lose an average of $1 for the next 98 years. By the time your good mutation – your year of profit – comes along, you’re $8 in debt. Even a big mutation – say a profit of $20 – will not be enough to make up for the next 99 years of even small losses. In short, this is no way to do business, either for you or for evolution. Neither you nor evolution can possibly make any gains, even with one percent of the mutations being good.

The evolutionary claim that all life today is a result of mutations, runs counter to logic, common sense and simple arithmetic. The only way we can reasonably account for life’s variety is to acknowledge the work of a wise and powerful Creator.

Lord, help me to remember that all good things come from Your hand. Amen.

Photo Courtesy of Jerry Friedman. (CC BY-SA 3.0)