Jumbo Fairy Shrimp

Psalm 136:4
“To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever.”

There are about 300 species of a delicate creature known as Fairy shrimp. Unlike the shrimp that might end up on your plate for dinner, Fairy shrimp are typically very small.

Fairy shrimp usually live in pools of water that may dry up and remain dry for years. When the pool is dry, they exist as egg-like cysts, sometimes for years, before the rains begin to fill the pool. Early in 2005, biologists announced the discovery of a new species of Fairy shrimp swimming in two lakebeds of the Idaho desert. The new species is much larger than most Fairy shrimp, growing as long as three inches. It has spines on its front legs for capturing prey. While they look frilly and delicate, they prey on smaller Fairy shrimp. When the larger Fairy shrimp finds a smaller shrimp, it bites it to immobilize it. If it’s not hungry at the moment, it stores its catch by attaching it to velcro-like patches on it abdomen. A full-grown member of the new species can store up to four smaller shrimp for later use.

The beauty of these Fairy shrimp is a testimony to God’s unlimited creativity. At the same time, its cannibalism is a witness to the effects of sin. We thank God that He has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from the ultimate consequences of our sin.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for carrying my sin on the cross and bringing this Gospel to my ears and heart. Amen.

Author: Paul A. Bartz

Ref: Associated Press, 3/16/05, “New fairy shrimp species discovered in Idaho.” Photo: Fairy Shrimp larva (PD)

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