"Liquid Air" Mimics God’s System

Genesis 2:7
“And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

Before birth, a developing baby breathes amniotic fluid, which delivers dissolved oxygen to the lungs. When very premature babies are born, they often have difficulty breathing because their lungs lack a substance that enables them to get oxygen from the air. The result is often chronic lung disease or other permanent damage.

Liquid AirBut now researchers are testing something that is popularly called “liquid air.” This liquid, a perfluorocarbon, can carry oxygen to the immature lungs of the infant who is not yet ready to breathe air, much like the amniotic fluid the child would be breathing had it not been born prematurely. Animal tests suggest that infants who were born after only 20 weeks of gestation could be helped to survive through the use of this “liquid air.”

Researchers had to admit that if infants can survive at only 20 weeks, some hard questions are raised about current abortion practices. Yet, pro abortion feeling is so strong in some parts of society that researchers felt they had to disown the idea that they wanted even younger premature babies to survive. The development of “liquid air” is going to make it more difficult for some to support abortion as we now know it.

It has taken humans thousands of years of medical development to come up with an advance that begins to mimic the way an unborn infant gets oxygen. This makes it even more difficult to believe that mindless nature created the womb and much easier to believe that the womb is the creation of a loving and wise Creator.

Father, Your love and wisdom are evident throughout creation. I ask that as You continue to grant man progress in solving health problems, You would continue to make it more difficult for people to support abortion. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

“‘Liquid air’ may help save premature babies.” Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Newsletter, Oct. 1989. Photo: Premature infant with ventilator. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.