Lungfish Take a Bite Out of Evolution
Genesis 1:21a
“And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind….”
According to evolution theory, there were no four-limbed creatures living on land until 360 million years ago. That is supposedly when Lungfish appear in the fossil record. Lungfish can breathe air, have four fins arranged rather like legs and can even climb trees. Long ago, evolutionists declared that all four-limbed creatures that live on land, including man, evolved from the Lungfish.
As we look at the variety of land-living creatures, evolutionists are here claiming a great deal of change from our lowly Lungfish ancestry. It is interesting, however, that the Lungfishes themselves have changed very little in the supposed 360 million years of their existence. Lungfish hatchlings today have small teeth, which, as they grow to adulthood, fuse into a bony dental plate. In this adult plate, the individual teeth are fused to one another. There are thousands of well-preserved fossils of both hatchlings and adult Lungfish that supposedly lived 360 million years ago. A study of these fossils shows that even the dental development of Lungfish has not changed since the first Lungfish appeared among the fossils.
One cannot escape the conclusion that there has been no evolution of Lungfish since they first swam the seas. This agrees with Scripture. It also poses a problem in logic to suggest that such a stable creature could produce the variety of four-limbed creatures we see today.
Prayer: I thank You, Lord, that I have been specially made by Your hand. Amen.
Author: Paul A. Bartz
Ref: Nature, 31/5/01, Vol. 411, p. 548, Robert R. Reisz, Moya M. Smith, “Lungfish dental pattern conserved for 360 Myr.” Photo: Lungfish by Mitch Adams CC BY SA 4.0.
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