Meet the Horror Frog!

Psalm 20:1b
“The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of
Jacob defend thee…”

Did you know that there are salamanders that can grow spines? They do this by forcing their ribs to grow through their skin. But a frog nicknamed the “horror frog” is even stranger.

When it is threatened, the “horror frog” breaks bones in its foot and extends the ends of the broken bone through its hind foot pads. The result is a catlike claw. The “horror frog” is actually a family of eleven frog species, nine of which are able to perform this grisly feat. Most of these species are native to Cameroon. One end of the broken bone is attached to a special muscle that pushes the bone through the foot pads. Once the threat is past, the bone claw pulls back into the foot and the tissue heals. To add to the “horror frog” aspect, these frogs also are hairy. The hair actually turns out to be hair-like skin growth. As unappetizing as they sound, they are prized for roasting and eating.

Before death came into the world, the “horror frog” would probably not have any need for claws to defend itself. Yet, just as God knew that we would need a plan for our salvation, He also knew that creatures like this frog could benefit from a method of defending itself. So He gave this frog this creative method of defending itself.

Prayer: Father, protect me from all dangers in this life, both spiritual and physical, assuring me of Your presence. Amen.

 Author: Paul A. Bartz

Ref:, 5/28/08, Catherine Brahic, “‘Horror frog’ breaks own bones to produce claws.”  Photo: Hairy Frog by Gustavocarra CC BY SA 4.0

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