Monkeying with Genetics

Job 7:17
“What is man, that thou shouldest magnify him? and that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him?”

We have all heard the claims – and school textbooks love to include it – that humans and chimpanzees are about 99 percent genetically identical. However, that claim evaporates when the details of what is being compared are examined.

Monkeying with GeneticsFirst of all, the DNA sequences that were compared were cherry-picked. Similar sequences in both humans and chimps were compared, while non-similar sequences were ignored. In addition, comparisons were made using only the DNA that codes for making protein. This ignores most of the human and chimp genome. When the DNA that regulates cell operation are included in the comparison, the degree of similarity drops considerably.

Important parts of certain chromosomes, like the Y chromosome, are very different. Research has also found that there are major differences between how certain genes express themselves within cells. In addition, the chimpanzee genome is 10 to 12 percent larger than man’s, which is quite a difference in itself.

The truth is the entire human and chimp genome has never been properly compared, while if it has, it has never been reported. However, when the spiritual differences are considered, there is an unbridgeable gulf between humans and chimps. Man was made in the image of God, to be responsible before Him and to have a relationship with Him. Jesus Christ died for the salvation of mankind, not for chimps.

Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son for our redemption and seeking us out with Your gracious Word. Amen.

Acts & Facts, 6/09, pp. 12-13, Jeffery Tomkins, Human-Chimp Similarities, “Common Ancestry or Flawed Research?”