Our Logic and God’s Are Not the Same

Genesis 1:21a
“And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly…”

Ask any scientist and he’ll tell you that blades designed to operate in fluids, like air or water, are best designed to have smooth edges. It only makes sense that a smooth leading edge is more efficient.

That’s why, when a biologist noticed bumps on the front edge of a model of a humpback whale fin, he knew it had to be wrong. With some study, he discovered that the model was indeed accurate. The bumps are called tubercles. Testing has shown that the bumps result in an almost ten percent increase in the lift of a fin or blade. It decreases the drag of a blade or fin by one-third. In fact, one scientist concluded that the design is much better than “what [our] systems can accomplish.” Inspired, scientists investigated whether similar tubercles could increase the efficiency of manmade blades such as those used on wind turbines. You may also find tubercles on helicopter blades and fan blades, as well.

While science can discover the excellency and superiority of God’s design, it cannot learn of His spiritual wisdom by investigating the creation. That is revealed to us in Holy Scripture which tells us that He designed and created the whales as well as planning and carrying out His plan for our salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Father, I thank You for revealing the wisdom of Your salvation to me through Your Holy Word. Amen.

Answers, 4-6/09, p. 54, A. Peter Galling, “A Whale of a Design.”