
Luke 15:15-16
People love pigs or hate them. There are some people who like them simply as animals and keep them as pets. Other people rear them as farm animals and enjoy the meat that they produce. Jewish people consider pigs to be unclean because God prohibited their use as unclean animals under the Mosaic Law. Yet, many Christians are happy to eat such meats as bacon, ham, and pork, backing up their opinion from the New Testament, now that the regulations against eating pig no longer applies.

Why do pigs have such a reputation as dirty animals? They wallow in mud – though this is to keep cool, as they have no sweat glands. Indeed, I have heard of English farmers smearing their pigs with high factor sun blocker! Another factor, which we will discuss delicately, is that their fecal matter is not very solid, and often mixes with their mud in confined conditions, making the mud, and hence the pigs, very smelly. They are also omnivores, so some of their diet may contain animal matter or even fecal matter.

Evolutionists consider that all pigs and peccaries evolved from a common ancestor with other members of the Ardiodactyla order, so they consider pigs to be related to giraffes, hippos, and even whales. Yet, it seems clear that pigs have always been pigs. While there has been speciation, the pig family is basically what it has always been since God created them.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for all the good gifts You have given us, especially the domestic animals that You have given into our care and for our use. Amen.

Author: Paul F. Taylor

Ref: Pigs!, Creation 29(2):37–39, March 2007. Image: Public Domain.

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